In this course, you will be introduced to all they key components that consist of Astrology, where by completion you will have a firm and well rounded re-connection and remembrance of what Astrology is really about and how it can support you to live your best and most fulfilling life. This program is taught through interactive lectures and assignments with Richard. The course typically takes 12-16 weeks to complete.
Astrology is essentially the starmapping of the Christos in accordance with the Law of OneTrueGod, for just as we have our StarHeart and maps within our LightBody, so too does the star mapping above reflect and dovetail with that which is within and around in one’s life. As we honour and reclaim Astrology as once was in the houses of Lyra and Lemuria, so too will profound remembrances and activations be sure to come both during this course and unfold for some time after; this is abundance.
- Christos Astrology - Astrology as reclaimed for the original purpose of activating full multidimensional Freedom
- The Galactic Lineage - Lemuria & Lyra & Beyond
- What is Astrology? - The role of Time, Consciousness, Memory and Freedom in Astrology
- The Galactic Zodiac + 13 constellations
- Sol + the Planetary Bodies - origins + energetic signatures
- The Constellations - StarMatrices + Archetypes
- Quantum Healing - Learn that Astrology is a fully realised multidimensional event + how to do this
- Yoga +Embodiment- Come to understand and experience Astrology through your direct felt sense and embodiment practices
- BioRegenesis - Link all Astrological phenomena and data to life practices that will have an immediate and tangible effect on you and those you share this with
On booking you will recieve an email with a link to book through Calendly . If you cannot find the email, check your junk email. You will then receive a preparatory form via email, which needs to be completed and returned no less than 48 hours before our session.
The Regular price for the course is $2200USD.
When paid in full you will receive the discounted price of $2000USD.
When paying in 4 instalments you will receive the discounted price of $2100USD.
When paying in 8 instalments the price is the regular price of $2200USD
For those making monthly payments, payments will be charged each month for either 4 or 8 months
Monthly payment option outline:
Individual $525USD each month for x4 months
Individual $275USD each month for x8 months
* All deposits are non-refundable, however they can be applied to taking the course at a later date or another product